Tasks Personal Care at Home Aides Can Do for Your Loved One

Elderly people often need a lot of care. They may need help with grocery shopping, meal preparation, personal hygiene tasks, and many other types of tasks. If you notice that your elderly loved one is struggling to do daily or regular tasks on their own, it may be a good idea to get them personal care at home. The personal care at home providers you hire can help your elderly loved one with many tasks.

Personal Hygiene

Personal Care at Home Merced CA - Tasks Personal Care at Home Aides Can Do for Your Loved One

Personal Care at Home Merced CA – Tasks Personal Care at Home Aides Can Do for Your Loved One

Does your elderly loved one need help with personal hygiene tasks? Some of the things you may notice they need help with include:

  • Bathing
  • Getting dressed
  • Brushing their teeth
  • Brushing their hair
  • Putting on deodorant

If you realize that your elderly loved one isn’t taking great care of their personal hygiene, you should get them personal care at home. Even if they don’t need help with all of these things, these care providers can still help with certain tasks.

Light Housework

How is your elderly loved one’s house looking? When you go over to their house, is the floor dirty? Does it look like they haven’t washed their countertops in weeks? Does the toilet need wiped down? If you notice these light housekeeping issues, you can hire personal care at home providers to help your elderly loved one with these things.

Preparing Meals

How has your elderly loved one been eating lately? Are they missing meals because they don’t feel like cooking or they can’t cook? Do they mostly eat unhealthy foods such as freezer meals? If this is the case, it might be a good idea to get personal care at home for your elderly loved one. The care providers can help your loved one to plan and prepare their meals. This way, your elderly loved one can eat healthier.

Going Places

How does your elderly loved one get around right now? Are you driving them to most of the places they need to go? Are you busy with other things, so you can’t always get your elderly loved one where they need to or want to go? If this is the case, you can get aides to drive your elderly loved one to appointments, their friend’s house, or anywhere else they need to go.

Contact Personal Care at Home Services

There are many aspects of taking care of an elderly person. If you notice that your elderly loved one needs more help than you can offer at this time, feel free to contact our home care agency today. The personal care at home services you get for your elderly loved one can help them with so many tasks.

Sources:  https://www.medicare.gov/what-medicare-covers/whats-home-health-care

If you or an aging loved one are considering Personal Care at Home Services in Merced CA, please contact the caring staff at Everlight Home Care today. Call us at 559-353-2847.

Gina Kendall